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Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods Series #1)

Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods Series #1) - So, Blue Bloods is one of those series that I have been meaning to get to for a while now and just haven't picked up longer that shelving it. Last night I decided it was time...and, lo and behold, not even 24 hours later and I am done with the first book. Wow, what a ride!Blue Bloods starts out with a bit of information about the landing in Plymouth Rock. The plight of the colonials turns up from time to time throughout the novel, but the bulk of it is set in present day New York City. At the prestigious Duchesne school there are the elitist of elite, a veritable gaggle of pre-ivy leaguers armed against the world with mommy and daddy's gold cards and posh attitudes. Schuyler Van Alen may have the pedigree but she certainly doesn't fit in with the glitterati. In the upper echelons of Duschesne society the Force twins, Mimi and Jack, reign supreme. But a sudden death of one of the Duschesne students upsets the delicate balance of things and brings Schuyler to the attention of both twins.I thoroughly enjoyed this book from the word go - the alternating narratives, the shorter chapters, the foundation story tying into modern day, the characters...everything works. I loved that de la Cruz used dramatic irony to build up the supernatural element, but in a very subtle way. We, as the readers, understand early what is going on but de la Cruz's deft writing keeps the attention piqued until the final reveal...which turns out to be nothing that the reader expects at all! It's a fun a complex vampire tale that allows the reader to be swept away.A touch of the writing about "Society" and New York reminds me of Edith Wharton, though I'm not really sure why. Kudos though to Ms. de la Cruz... that's high praise in my book.I loved it. 5 out of 5 stars...and I'm so happy I borrowed all of them for the weekend. :)- review courtesy of www.bibliopunkk.net