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Girl of Nightmares - Kendare Blake Anna Dressed in Blood was one of my favourite titles last year. Immediately after reading it I offered my Macmillan connection the limb of her choice for the follow up book, Girl of Nightmares. I was so excited to get this book last week, so much so it shot to the top of the queue (above daunting others). It was a two day read. There won't be a book 3, but I feel that there could be. And I want one. Boo. Girl of Nightmares picks up shortly where Anna ends. Cas is trying to get over the loss of Anna which is proving difficult because he keeps seeing her everywhere. He wants to move on, but how is this possible when the (dead) girl that he loves keeps returning to haunt him? He knows that she is in Hell, but is there a way to get her back? Cas is determined to set her free, even if it means moving Hell and Earth... literally. Nightmares is a very different book than the first one. One thing I noticed during this read was that my level of terror was significantly lower than the first book... This is because Cas spends less time pursuing ghosts and more time pursuing answers. You'd think it wouldn't be as attention grabbing, but it is, despite a very different feel to the book. I don't know how Kendare Blake does it, but this book was fascinating... even though it's not what I was expecting. Well, that's not true... it had some of the elements I was looking for, but so many more, which I always appreciate in a sequel - to be surprised. Surprise is so much better than familiarity. I'm so glad that this did not stagnate. 5 out of 5 stars. - review courtesy of www.bibliopunkk.net