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The Essence
Kimberly Derting
Sean Williams
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Victor Hugo, Catherine Liu, Elizabeth McCracken
Amy Rose Capetta
Sean Williams

Beautiful Creatures (Beautiful Creatures Series #1)

Beautiful Creatures (Beautiful Creatures Series #1) - Ethan has lived and longed to leave Gatlin County all of his life. But that was before Lena Duchannes breezed into town like a hurricane. This outcast is brutally attractive to Ethan but there's a problem... no one else accepts the new girl immeadiately, causing problems for Ethan who has always been one of the Gatlin community. Will he turn his back on everything he has ever known to embrace a girl who has a curse looming over her head. This is a gorgeously written book, full of depth, mood, and heart. Combine the atmosphere of a Tennessee Williams play with the racial issues of "To Kill a Mockingbird"... and then add the beautiful and tragic angst of a young adult romance. It's good...it's oh so good. This has become one of my favourite books published this year, and I cannot wait to read more of this world by these two new promising authors.